Wednesday, October 10, 2007

something about layout~

Before we have read some web site from exam must read, which is about the basic design, and when i search for layout, some web relate to the basic design are shown and i think it is must simplier for you to have a quick review before exam. The web site use a very simple example and simple sentense to explain what is the meaning of proximity, alignment, repetition and contrast.

This week we need to hand in the web prototype. As i have not used css before, i search some css feature for doing the web site redesign. If those classmates is not familiar with the css, you can visit to these css website to get some idea to do your project.

from this web site, you can download many free layout and there are also other free material for you to download, e.g. FREE WEB GRAPHIC, FREE LAYOUT, FREE WALLPAPER.

These is a chinese web site to teach css , and i think it is useful for those who do not familiar with css like me.

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